June 29. We hung around Sandy Cove North for most of the day. Skunked in the crab dept. again. The fridge had stopped working and done a defrost in the night. Don’t know why is stopped but it started up again ok and we should have a few ice cubes for HH in Bartlett Cove on our way out of the Park. We are only permitted 3 hours at the dock so we planned to leave Sandy Cove in time to get there, have our three hours at the dock where we could have dinner at the lodge which closes the kitchen at 9pm. ” The best laid plans……” I forgot to properly account for the veracity of the incoming tide which slowed our progress from a usual 6 mph down to 3mph. We didn’t get into the dock until 9 pm. Pi got a proper walk and we deposited our garbage and recycling. We also topped up our water at the dock then anchored out and Laurence made a nice curried cauliflower and other vegies dinner.